04 February, 2015

Exact pricing formula for a binary put or call

Consider a contract that pays $B=1$ if $S(T)\geq K$ at the terminal time $T$ (and $B=0$ if $S(T)<K$), where $S$ follows the geometric brownian motion process
In "differential" form,
$$dS_{t}=\mu S_{t}dt+\sigma S_{t}dW_{t}.$$

This contract is known as a binary call option.  We seek to determine its price $V$ at the initial time $t=0$.  

The Black-Scholes theory implies (through its connection to parabolic partial differential equations and the Feyman-Kac formula) that this price is equal to the risk-neutral expected payoff $\mathbb{E}_{\mathbb{Q}}$ discounted at the risk-free rate $r$.  That is,

A simple computation reveals that this is equal to $e^{-rT}\mathbb{Q}(S_{T}>K)$.  In detail,


Now, as covered in the Black-Scholes theory, an application of Girsonov's theorem leads us to the equivalent process for $S$
$$dS=rSdt+\sigma Sd\tilde{W_{t}}$$
where $\tilde{W}$ is a Brownian motion under the equivalent martingale measure (risk-neutral measure) $\mathbb{Q}$.  We now proceed as usual taking the natural logarithm to get
$$d\log S=(r-\frac{1}{2}\sigma^{2})dt+\sigma d\tilde{W_{t}},$$
which, in light of the risk-neutral probability computation above, immediately leads us to
where $N=\Phi(0,1)$, the standard normal density, and
The price of the put can be determined by following the steps above, but where the contract has a payoff of $1$ when $S(T)\leq K$.  The result is
or equivalently

As an aside from this, we can compute the price of this option using only the known prices of European call options.  Observe that the payoff function $P$ of this option is given by
$$P=\frac{\partial C_{K}}{\partial S}$$
where $C$ is the payoff function for European call option with strike price $K$.
This observation leads us to the conclusion
$$V=\lim_{\delta\to0}\frac{{U(K-\delta})-U(K)}{\delta}=-\frac{\partial U}{\partial S},$$
where $U(K)$ is the value of the call option with strike $K$.